Another road trip, a move to Ireland, and a Radiolab interview

So it’s been three years since I’ve last posted an update. Why, I don’t know. But it’s inexcusable nonetheless. This site was always intended to be a blog where I recount my travels during the US road trip I had taken between October 2016 and March 2017 to find all the American Lebanons. And after returning home I stopped updating it.

Now that an interview was aired on Radiolab, which linked to this site, and I suppose I should do a quick update. After coming back home, I took a job teaching ‘Intro to Photojournalism’ at the Lebanon American University in Beirut, and then in June 2018 I went on a second road trip across America, this time planting cedar trees in some of the Lebanons I had visited during my first trip. That alone needs a series of new blog posts.

While I was on that trip, I got a call from a company in Ireland, where I was offered a job in my old field, tax law advisory. I initially wasn’t interested since I had planned to leave the industry behind. Unfortunately, a life of a travelling photographer isn’t financially sustainable, especially that the two trips I had done were financed out of now-depleted savings. Luckily I had a fall-back career that allowed me to get back on my feet and I don’t regret my move to Dublin at all.

For those visiting this site now after the Radiolab interview, I should mention that my main photography website is:, and my Instagram handle is @cedrusk.

And for those who weren’t aware of the interview, the link is below. Last, I now see that I should have been writing about my second trip on this blog. So hopefully this was the motivation I needed to start updating.

Radiolab interview:

21 thoughts on “Another road trip, a move to Ireland, and a Radiolab interview

  1. Hi there, I was scrolling through your blog and didn’t happen to see Lebanon, New Jersey, which is my hometown!

    Our family is also from Lebanon, and I’ve always been so proud to live in a town that harkens back to my family heritage. I’d love to introduce you to the town if you ever make a visit

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Olivia, I did go to Lebanon, NJ on my second trip. But it was a short visit. I did have breakfast at the ‘Lebanon Boro general store’ (where my money wasn’t good there because they insisted ‘ it’s on us’. So kind..) I also had drinks at the Fox and Hound there.

      Thank you for reminding of the town. So many kind people! And thank you for the offer as well.


  2. I think I read about your visit to Lebanon, Indiana, in our local newspaper at the time. I was reminded when I listened to the Radiolab podcast. I wish you well in your life and all your future travels.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Lebanese photographer who visited here, 46 other U.S. Lebanons, featured in NPR's Radiolab podcast. - News Battle

  4. I’m listening to the radiolab show this morning and really enjoying it. I came looking for photos to fit the story. Warm regards from Blanchardstown, Dublin. Glad to have you here, Fadi.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Listened to the Radiolab podcast on a jog earlier so came to see if I could find any photographs from the trip as it was such a out of the ordinary reason for a road trip which I really enjoyed listening to. Funny to see you’ve moved to Ireland, greetings from Cork!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Fadi,
    I found your article about Charles Harris and I wept. I am currently writing a book about his cousin Harold L. Noe, who was a pioneer in developing a process for translating the Bible into American Sign Language. I live in Council Bluffs, Iowa, where Harold worked. He went to Israel after Charles died ( I think with Tipo and other family and friends) they were trying to get his body back. Since that time, Harold went back to Israel leading trips of Deaf and hearing people for a greater appreciation of the lands of the Bible. Your article is instrumental is helping me understand more of the situation. Thank you. Mary Alice Gardner


  7. It would be nice if you could do another series, maybe even video, on the other Levantine city/country- named towns in the US, like Damascus, VA; Aleppo, PA, Palestine, TX, etc. I also recommend reading into Little Syria, Manhattan.


  8. Hi Fadi,

    Just read the piece about your U. S. journeys to see towns and cities named Lebanon in The Lebanon Times (of New Hampshire).

    What great adventures! In it, Cindy Heath writes that you plan to return to the U. S. this summer. Will you be visiting my NH Lebanon? I’d love to meet you and show you around our lively area.




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